Remote Tank Level Monitoring Solutions

Remote Tank Level Monitoring with AccuDose - MaxBotix

Tampa, FL based company Accudose provides real-time monitoring solutions for water and wastewater pumping systems. With AccuDose’s AccuLevel RMC-1000, users will be able to remotely monitor levels of water, sewers, chemicals, and other materials, making it an ideal choice for remote tank level monitoring.


  • Prevent or reduce wastewater overflows
  • Chemical inventory management
  • Real-time updates
  • No fee remote cellular internet access with a wireless water tank level monitoring system

Why Work with AccuDose?

AccuDose is dedicated to providing affordable, reliable, and customizable remote monitoring and control solutions. Real-time monitoring is supplied by AccuDose’s Free Cellular Internet Access (contact AccuDose for specifics about wireless access and plans.) This remote monitoring solution will allow municipalities of various sizes, (cities, towns, states, countries), to have access to a high quality technology to monitor their water and waste water usage through a smart water tank level sensor. Additionally, many businesses and local governments will find this type of service invaluable in helping them achieve their goals of operating more efficiently and profitably. 



AccuDose Website

AccuLevel RMC-1000 Product Page 

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